1. Describe your business/career/what you do in a few sentences.
I am a life coach, blogger, and host events and workshops. My work is about creating a space where women can slow down and process all the things that are influencing and controlling their lives - often without them even knowing it. Things like their everyday thoughts, their habitual emotions, and the stories they have had on repeat for so long they are no longer even aware of the consequences of those things. Then we work towards showing up in the world with more love, and less ego, more compassion and less judgment, more vulnerability and less shame, more emotional agility and less fear and uncertainty, more energy and less exhaustion.
2. What ignited the spark in you to start doing the work you do?
I have always been passionate about helping people - I think it must have started when I was a little girl and watched my parents struggle, both personally and as immigrants in this country. It ignited in me a massive desire to help people work through their suffering and move into a future that not only is more beneficial for them, but that gives people the opportunity to contribute in a beneficial way to the world around them.
3. What sets you apart from other entrepreneurs/companies in your line of work?
There are two things that I focus on and that is crucial to the work that I do. The first is acceptance of the reality that there is no grand utopia out there that if we reach it all our problems will go away. Instead, we live in the constant tension of who we are and who we want to be. And that is good news! The point is never to get rid of your problems the point is always to upgrade your problems! The second is that the purpose of bettering our lives is always so that we can make a bigger contribution to society. To those that are hurting and marginalized. Bettering our lives is never just for us, but so that we can be a larger beneficial presence in the world!
4. What book has inspired you the most? (Or what is your favorite book?)
Oh, this is such a hard question because I love so many and have been inspired by so many books! I would say any book by or about Milton Erickson would be at the top of the list, also anything by Erich Fromm. Of course, Ryan Holiday and Mark Manson have also had a huge influence on my thinking if you are looking for modern authors!
5. How have you changed since you started your work?
I have always been an introvert - and the idea of taking a leadership role terrifying me! But life gives you the challenges you need the most doesn’t it? Being entrusted with the most intimate thoughts and feelings of my clients made me step up and be there for them. To journey with them while they transform the way they experience their lives. They rely on me to lead them through that journey and it caused me to step up in leadership and feel comfortable there in a way I would never have thought possible!
6. Excluding yours, what company or business (coach?) do you admire the most?
I am absolutely in awe of Byron Katie! The work that she does and the way she can connect with the people who come to here is something that I just can’t get enough of! I also love how she runs her business with success being measured on how many people she helps, not on the bottom line!
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