Parnika Raj - Filmmaker - IG: @parniks
Ximena Bravo - Simone Beauty Brands | Simone Facial Beauty - IG:
Anita Schmitt - Bloom - IG: @bloomwithanita
Azadeh Koushan - Holisticwise Health and Wellness Services - IG: @azadeh_holistic_health
Bahareh Hosseini - Ki to Wellness Acupuncturist & Wellness Educator - IG: @wellnessballa
Dr. Nancy J. Williams - Dr. Nancy's Body Soul Essentials - IG: @bodysoulessent
Lianne Graham - RRpr | Holistic Practitioner and Teacher | Reflexology, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Tuning Forks
Samantha Chapman - Samantha Chapman, RMT - IG: @samanthac_rmt
Valerie Augustine - Lite It Up Products - IG: @liteitupproducts
Alexandra Kapelos-Peters - Cansulta - IG: @cansulta
Chikanma I - Growthalista - IG: @growthalista
Darcy Mckinty - All-In-One Business Management Software - FB: wyliesystems - IG: @wyliesystems
Ericka Navarro - Perfect Balance Canada - IG: @pbalancec
Izabela Kvesic - Blue Water Performance Limited - IG: @wearebluewater
Jennifer Batley - Batley Advisory
Natalie Colalillo - The Beautiful Business Series - IG: @happy_healthy_nat
Rhonda Silver - Hollend Furnishings Ltd.
Tracy Sherriff - Curriculum Specialist & Course Operations Consultant - IG: @tracy.sherriff
Dr. Suzanne Bober - Harbourfront Chiropractic - IG: @harbourfrontchiropractic
Corinne Allain - The Dental Hygiene Group (Etobicoke, ON CA) - IG: @dentalhygienegroup
Marina Tersigni - Polish & Pearls Dental Hygiene and Whitening (Etobicoke, ON CA) - IG: @polishandpearlsdentalhygiene
Alison Stuckey - Alison Stuckey Energy Healer & Spiritual Mentor
April Miranda - Reiki Master + Energy Healing Teacher - IG: @aprilmiranda
Christine Barfield - Pet Healer, Communicator & Intuitive Guide - IG: @thefernandthefox
Claire Yang - Healy with Claire - IG: - LinkedIn
Cora Naylor - Emotion Code Practitioner - IG: @naylorcora
Diana Pascos - Emotional Freedom Coach, Advanced EFT & Breathwork Practitioner - IG: @Dianakpascos - YT: @dianakpascos
Jamie Green - Holistic Wellness Coach - IG: @sunshinesoulvibes
Lianne Graham - RRpr | Holistic Practitioner and Teacher | Reflexology, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Tuning Forks
Minerva Maharajh - Goddess of Wisdom Spiritual Life Coaching & Starseed Academy - IG: @goddessofwisdomcoach
Nadia Asghar - Spiritual Life & Trauma Coach - IG: @coachnadiaasghar
Nasreen Toorabally - Japan Reiki Studio - IG: @japanreikistudio
Sheila Benjamin - SB Organizers - IG: @sborganizers - LinkedIn
Jamie Hengartner - Rylea Bloom - IG: @ryleabloom
Angie Ross - Money Coach - IG: @angieross.moneycoach
Anoosha Tehrani - Educational Saving Consultant - Linkedin
Aviva Abraham - Insurance Advisor - FB: Aviva Abraham, Linkedin
Christine Bobye - Financial Coach - IG: @sidehustlingwithcbob
Mary Sialtsis - Mortgage Broker - IG: @creatingequityi
Kristin Hanson - Etobicoke Personal Fitness - IG: @fitkristin44
Hajar Ouzid - La Kasbah Del Sol (Catering) - @La_Kasbah_Del_Sol
Kandice Doucette - Kandiceleefiredup - Independent Epicure Leader - IG: @kandiceleefiredup
Jenny Shearman - Personal Chef at My Sweet Beet - IG: @mysweetbeet
Noemie Zerbib - VendoCan - IG: @vendocan
Sarah Mariani - Something Sweet by Sarah - IG:
Ann Sirenko - Registered Holistic & Functional Nutritionist - IG: @annsirenkonutrition
Sophia Maslowski - Harvest The Day - IG: @harvesttheday
Suzie Battishill - Suzie Battishill Culinary Coaching - IG: @suzie.culinarycoaching
Allison Shiraga - GFTD by Amarolia & Co. - IG:
Aviva Abraham - Insurance Advisor - FB: Aviva Abraham, Linkedin
Azadeh Koushan - Holisticwise Health and Wellness Services - IG: @azadeh_holistic_health
Bahareh Hosseini - Ki to Wellness Acupuncturist & Wellness Educator - IG: @wellnessballa
Catherine Newry - Dr. Catherine Newry, ND - IG: @drcatherinenewry
Christie Hubble - Wellness Haven and Health Inc - IG: @wellnesshavenandhealth
Joanna Krop - Krop BioResonance Studio: Energy based health transformation
Lianne Graham - RRpr | Holistic Practitioner and Teacher | Reflexology, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Tuning Forks
Lori Haws - Registered Kinesiologist - FB: kiharatoronto - IG: @_lorihaws
Stephanie Padro - Revive and Thrive Healing & Empowerment - IG: @reviveandthrive_healing
Sheila Benjamin - SB Organizers - IG: @sborganizers - LinkedIn
Aviva Abraham - Insurance Advisor - FB: Aviva Abraham, Linkedin
Salima Valji - Unleash Forward - LinkedIn
Maryam Hennig - Venture House Legal - IG: @maryamthebizlawyer_ and @houseofcontracts_
Diana Pascos - Emotional Freedom Coach, Advanced EFT & Breathwork Practitioner - IG: @Dianakpascos - YT: @dianakpascos
Dianne Reichenbach - Connect Coaching - IG: @dianneconnect
Jasprit Gill - Infinite Living
Jennifer Bouley - Bliss + You Coaching - IG: @BlissPlusYou
Josephine Carmela - Empowerment and Relationship Coach - IG: @josephinecarmela
Haze Schepmyer - Life-Event Transitions Mediator - IG: @hazeschepmyer
Karen Vaile - Karen's Coaching Korner - IG: @karenvaile_
Kelly Hetherington - Money Mindset Coach - IG: @yourmoneymindsetcoach
Lidia Carmen - LidiaC Consulting - IG: @lidia.carmen20
Lisa Petsinis - Certified Life & Career Coach - IG: @lisapetsiniscoaching
Patricia Lavigne - Certified Coach - IG: @coachingwithpatricia
Rachelle Gill - Dynamic Human Potential Coach - IG: @Rachellethecoach - LinkedIn
Ryoko Fukui - Transformational Success Coach - IG: @ryoko.fukui
Stephanie Padro - Revive and Thrive Healing & Empowerment - IG: @reviveandthrive_healing
Tracey Lee - Tracey Lee Living - IG: @traceyleeliving_tll
Marta Batista - Marta B Marketing - IG: @martab_marketing
Elaine Dickens, MACP RP - Live Inspired Wellness Inc - IG: @liveinspiredtherapist - FB: Live Inspired Counselling
Svetlana Lilova - Psychotherapy in West End Toronto
Diana Pascos - Emotional Freedom Coach, Advanced EFT & Breathwork Practitioner - IG: @Dianakpascos - YT: @dianakpascos
Haze Schepmyer - Life-Event Transitions Mediator - IG: @hazeschepmyer
Liz Baird - Mindset Coach for the Conscious and Unconscious Mind - IG: @liz.e.baird
Rachael Charlton - Self-Love, Relationship & Mindset Coach - IG: @_rachaelcharlton
Angie Ross - Money Coach - IG: angieross.moneycoach
Aviva Abraham - Insurance Advisor - FB: Aviva Abraham, Linkedin
Christine Bobye - Financial Coach - IG: @sidehustlingwithcbob
Kelly Hetherington - Money Mindset Coach - IG: @yourmoneymindsetcoach
Shantell Krystal - Money Mindset Coach - IG: @shantellkrystal
Lila Beijer - Lila Beijer Mortgage Agent - IG: @lilaseyes
Dr. Ishani Patel, ND - Naturopathic Doctor - IG: @drishanipatel.nd
Catherine Newry - Dr. Catherine Newry, ND - IG: @drcatherinenewry
Christiana Aolaritei - Realtor - IG: @christianaaolaritei
Cynthia Johnson - - IG: cynthia.e.johnson_realestate
Diana Rosi - Awaken Your Pleasure - IG: @awakenyourpleasure
Emily Tosoni - Social Media & Business Growth Coach - IG: @emilytosoni_
Nasreen Toorabally - Nancoo Solutions
Brenda-Lynn Haley - The Coachhouse
Debbi Sluys - Founder of Dare to Declare - IG: @debbisluys
Dianne Reichenbach - Connect Coaching - IG: @dianneconnect
Minerva Maharajh - Goddess of Wisdom Spiritual Life Coaching & Starseed Academy - IG: @goddessofwisdomcoach
Rusti Lehay - Global Editor, Book & Writing Coach - IG: @rustilehay