Women's Empowerment Coach

Tracey Lee is a corporate misfit turned business empowerment coach and founder of The SELF-Made Business Method. She helps female entrepreneurs get out of their damn way so they can embrace their soul’s purpose and build their dream businesses with abundance, ease, and freedom.

After 20 years in corporate sales, two decades mentoring women in fitness, and starting and scaling multiple businesses—including a global wellness brand—Tracey realized women have so much more value to bring to this world than they recognize.


Too often, they sit on their brilliant business ideas, waiting for the perfect moment to go after their true calling. Tracey is on a mission to change this. By combining her obsession with results and her proven method for achieving them, she's created a coaching program focused on inspiring internal shifts that lead to massive external growth and Success. Every day Tracey gets to rise women up and help them see their brilliance. Together, they unlock the clarity, confidence, self-worth, and self-love they’ve been searching for so they can create the life and business of their dreams.



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