Use your Plate to Unlock your Potential in Life and Business by Kathy Davis

Use your Plate to Unlock your Potential in Life and Business by Kathy Davis

 Did you know that what you eat can directly impact your ability to perform and show up at your optimum potential? 


What if you took small steps to create lasting change? 


Let me introduce you to the Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is a series of small, seemingly insignificant changes that can compound into a significant impact. Little changes can expand and grow into big results. 


Small changes in the food you eat, the amount of water you drink, the daily exercise you get, or the amount of time you slow down to rest and recharge… all compound to bigger results. 


I noticed more energy, better moods, and productivity when I changed my eating—the more whole, plant foods I consumed… the more significant the impact. 


What if you could Unlock your Potential in Life and Business by Leveraging what is on your plate? 

  • Have you ever looked deeper at how foods make you feel? 
  • What if what you eat impacts your productivity more than you realize? 
  • What if you did make small changes to see more significant results? 


In December 2019, I parted ways with my “day job” and dove into my VegInspired business full-time, errr - well, I tried to. I lacked energy, struggled with inspiration, and battled health issues. Every day I would wake up wanting to “get to work” but lacked the energy to make it happen. 


Hindsight is 20/20, and it is easy to see that the fantastic and delicious vegan takeout and high-fat, highly processed vegan foods were causing all these issues. I was battling obesity and all the symptoms of pre-diabetes. In a nutshell, I was NOT a beacon for health and wellness or an excellent role model for what plant-based eating could be. 


My food directly affected my physical, mental, and spiritual bodies in so many ways. 


The Transformation


It was a seemingly small decision to shift from my vegan diet to a whole-food, plant-based way of eating. I began to adopt habits around healthy eating… more whole foods, more greens, more vegetables, more fruits, more whole grains, more beans, and reduced the overly processed vegan foods and high-fat foods. And things started to happen. 


The more clean, plant-based foods I ate, the more energy I had and the more inspired I was. 


Going from where you are eating to following a completely whole-food, plant-based diet may seem like a stretch, but what small changes can you make? 


Maybe it looks like this:

  • eating an oat bowl with fruit and nuts for breakfast 
  • eating a loaded salad bowl with beans and veggies for lunch
  • trading in your processed food snacks for whole fruits and veggies
  • increasing your vegetable side dishes at dinner to help you simply Eat More Plants.


“The most ethical diet just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet and just so happens to be the healthiest.” ~Dr. Michael Greger,



And what if those small changes begin to compound into new healthier habits, and you begin to notice more energy, more confidence, more productivity, and a clearer mind… how would that help you in your life and business? 


My transformation over the last 3+ years has led to increased energy, reversed markers of prediabetes, overall better health, increased confidence, 50+ weight loss (and maintenance), and better, more consistent delivery in my business, which led to 4 best-selling publications and the launch of the Eat More Plants Academy Coaching Program and a 10X in business revenue. 


To say that changing the way you eat and overhauling it is easy would be an understatement, but it is worth it. 


If you want to Unlock your Potential in Life and Business, start with what is on your plate. 

Want to learn more about Meal Planning like a CEO and start leveraging what is on your plate? Click here to access my How to Meal Plan like a CEO webinar, and resources today.  


Love what you’ve read so far? Check out the vault for more on plant-based eating from Kathy! 


For more on creating a successful and inspired life fueled by plants or to learn more about healthy habits, connect with Kathy on Instagram, @veginspired, or Facebook in the Plant-EmPowered Entrepreneurs Community


Kathy A. Davis is a Wellness and Mindset Mentor, Best Selling Author, and founder of VegInspired. Kathy leads other female entrepreneurs to live their most inspired and successful lives fueled by plants.


Kathy is honored and excited to be a US Happy Healthy Women Trailblazer.


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