Whether it be on coaching calls, masterminds or networking sessions, I often hear women preface what they are about to say with the phrase “I’m not an expert, but…”.
While I can totally understand why someone who is actually not an expert on a subject would use that phrase, I often hear it from women who actually ARE experts in the area, that have built beautiful, solid careers because they are indeed experts. What is happening?
It’s a thing we do sometimes. We minimize ourselves before we say something that may have some weight to it.
We remove ourselves from the spotlight, before we even step into it.
The example I use often is this one: Would you hire a plumber who comes into your home, looks at an issue with your pipes and starts their diagnostic with “I’m not an expert, but…”?
Likely not. We need to stop sabotaging our influence.
Hear me now: As women in business, we MUST step into more courage, power and influence when we speak. It’s essential, not only for our own self-belief, but for potential clients to have faith and confidence in us, and AHEM, FOR THE WORLD.
I know, it's easier said than done, especially if you’re making a move from an environment that held you down or kept you stuck. I see women coming out of the corporate world all the time, who are just not used to their opinions being valued, so they get used to the "back seat" and speak with an apologetic tone. Guess what though, you’re here. Doing it. In the ring. Making it happen. Your opinions mean a WHOLE lot, and yes. You are an expert.
For those wanting to once and for all break down that "I'm no expert, but..." belief, here are 5 ways to stop sabotaging your influence and step into your awesome expertise.
At the end of the day, entrepreneurship takes a different level of confidence, that we have to step into if we want to be seen as the experts that we are. It doesn't happen overnight for ANYONE, but becoming aware, and listening in to the expert inside that wants to SHINE is the first step.
In Happiness & Health
Natalie Colalillo
Founder & CEO Happy Healthy Women
Instagram: @happy_healthy_nat
November 26, 2021
I loved this 5 steps it’s so true, I stop myself from using negative words when sharing with people. Definitely mind your words, be empowered 😍
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Lucille Necas
November 26, 2021
Great points Natalie! I constantly see examples of the contradiction between the gifts women display and how they devalue them. Your strategies for overcoming the sabotage are practical and effective. Thanks.