February 16, 2025
Optimizing Your Chances of Pregnancy with PCOS
Although PCOS can impact fertility, many individuals with PCOS successfully conceive. Below are some lifestyle and treatment approaches that can support your metabolic, hormonal, and reproductive health:
1. Maintain a Balanced Diet and Stay Active
Many individuals with PCOS struggle with weight management due to hormonal and metabolic imbalances. A nutrient-dense balanced diet, regular physical activity, and lifestyle modifications can improve fertility while also reducing pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes.
2. Track Ovulation and Your Fertile Window
Understanding your menstrual cycle, ovulation day, and fertile window can help increase your chances of conception. Reliable tracking methods include:
3. Prioritize Quality Sleep
Deep, restful sleep plays a crucial role in:
4. Manage Stress by Implementing Mindfulness Techniques
PCOS patients can experience stress, anxiety, and depression, which can worsen symptoms by increasing:
Stress management techniques such as journaling, deep breathing, and meditation can help support your overall well-being.
5. Consider Targeted Nutritional Supplements (Under Supervision)
Certain supplements have been shown to regulate menstrual cycles, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance metabolic health in PCOS. These include:
For optimizing fertility, CoQ10 and melatonin may support egg quality. It is best to always consult a naturopathic doctor or your healthcare provider to determine the best approach for you. If you have PCOS and are trying to conceive, you are not alone. With the right lifestyle modifications and treatment strategies, you can support your reproductive, metabolic, and hormonal health. Let’s work together to optimize your fertility!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website drishanipatelnd.com, by email at ishanipatelnd@gmail.com, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
February 06, 2025
Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) and PMS (premenstrual syndrome) affect many women worldwide. While these symptoms are common, they should not be dismissed as normal if they significantly impact your quality of life. Fortunately, various treatment options, including lifestyle changes and nutraceutical supplementation, can help alleviate these symptoms and improve your overall well-being.
Managing PMS Symptoms
PMS symptoms typically occur during the luteal phase or menstruation and may include fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness, menstrual cramps, cravings, appetite changes, mood swings, and irritability. Here are some strategies to help reduce their intensity:
Managing Menstrual Pain
Menstrual pain can be classified as either primary or secondary dysmenorrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhea is often linked to conditions such as endometriosis or adenomyosis, and its treatment may differ. Here are some ways to manage menstrual pain:
If your menstrual pain is severe, persistent, or unresponsive to pain medication—especially if it occurs outside of menstruation—it may be necessary to investigate potential underlying causes. Diagnostic measures such as a transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests (assessing thyroid function, hormone levels, Vitamin D, and iron) can provide valuable insights.
If PMS symptoms and menstrual pain are affecting your quality of life, a holistic approach that supports your body, balances your hormones, and optimizes lifestyle choices can be beneficial.
Let’s embark on your health journey together!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website drishanipatelnd.com, by email at ishanipatelnd@gmail.com, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
November 07, 2024
Do you dread that afternoon energy slump that leaves you reaching for a coffee or something sweet as a pick-me-up to get you through the rest of your day? We’ve all been there and there’s a very common reason why this energy crash happens that few understand.
It all comes down to your blood sugar. Now when I say blood sugar, I am not talking about Diabetes, which most people think of when I bring up this term. We all experience blood sugar fluctuation in response to what we eat, when we eat and influenced by certain lifestyle factors.
When you eat a meal (or have a drink or snack) your blood sugar will increase. How much it increases will really depend on what you ate and how quickly glucose is released from these foods and/or drinks into your blood stream.
Carbohydrates break down into glucose in our blood stream. The carbohydrates with short chains (a.k.a. simple Carbohydrates) reach the bloodstream much more quickly than those with long-chain (a.k.a. complex Carbohydrates), resulting in higher blood sugar spikes.
Simple Carbohydrates are things like your cookies, pastries, most breads and cereal products, processed grains and their flours, white rice, refined sugar, candy, soda, corn syrup and high-fructose syrup, fruit juice concentrate and many processed foods.
Complex Carbohydrates include things like legumes, whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruit. A whole grain in it’s unprocessed form contains three parts and when it’s processed two of those parts are stripped away and you’re left with the blood-sugar spiking starchy part that is void of nutrients.
Repeated blood sugar spikes, over time, can lead to a condition called Hypoglycemia. I want you to think of it like a rollercoaster – your blood sugar spikes up after a meal, and then it crashes in a few hours, leaving you with low energy, cravings, and irritability. We all know that “hangry” feeling right?! Over time this also has a negative impact on your hormonal balance, especially your stress hormone Cortisol and sex hormones.
Learning to stabilize this blood sugar rollercoaster is really the key if you want to feel more stable energy throughout the day, have less cravings, support weight-loss and better hormone health.
Here are three simple tips that will help stabilize your blood sugar levels:
Navigating proper nutrition can be confusing in today’s day and age with so much conflicting information. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and lost on what’s right for your unique body. If you find yourself in a place where nothing seems to be working for you, and you want to know which foods will support your unique needs, I encourage you to check out the Metabolic Balance Program. This is a fully customized nutrition program for women looking to support weight-loss, better hormone balance, energy levels and digestion. Best of all your plan will be entirely based on the chemistry of your bloodwork, taking out all the guesswork!
Ann is a Holistic Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Coach, and thyroid guru who helps women gain confidence in how they look and feel in their bodies. Ann works with a scientifically backed metabolic approach to nutrition by using in-depth analysis of blood chemistry to develop truly unique plans to balance each client’s metabolism. The blood analysis reveals exactly which foods are right for each client to lose weight, and improve hormonal balance, energy levels, and gut health without any pills, shakes, or yo-yo diets. Analysis of blood chemistry + food chemistry = your unique metabolic prescription! Ann is also passionate about thyroid health, as she herself has experienced the lonely and confusing journey that came with the diagnosis of an autoimmune thyroid disorder, and loves supporting other women who may be struggling with thyroid related symptoms.
September 26, 2024
Creating sustainable health goals is key to long-term optimal health and wellness. The first step is ask yourself what does the healthy YOU look like?
What does this person look like? How does she feel waking up every day? What is her lifestyle like? What are habits you have as your healthiest self? This step doesn’t just allow you to envision the person you want to become, but it also provides you the opportunity to picture a reality where maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not feel like a chore; but instead, a tangible and fulfilling lifestyle.
That person you want to become is the star you are reaching for in the sky. You have a goal, so let’s talk about how to reach that star. The roadmap to get there is just as important as the end goal itself. Creating that roadmap and all the steps, make it a structured unique pathway suited for you.
Now that we know what your healthiest self looks like, the next step is to create tangible goals. With every goal you set, you want to make sure you can measure your progress. Whether it is weight changes, energy, or bowel movements, ensure your objectives are measurable to help you stay motivated on continuing your health journey.
With these goals, you create several little goals on this roadmap. These little goals are less intimidating and more achievable. It is so much easier to think of losing 1 lb/week than losing 30 lbs in 1 month. Your goals are doable, and you can now celebrate all of these little wins on your wellness journey.
Next is making sure these goals are realistic and that they fit your lifestyle. Your lifestyle is unique, and that is why your goals need to be unique as well. It also allows you to implement these goals in your day to day life, balancing work with your personal life, and optimizing both of these aspects of your lifestyle. Creating these realistic goals helps you stay on that roadmap, despite obstacles that may come in the way.
So now you have a picture of what your healthiest self looks like, you have determined what that roadmap to your healthiest self looks like, you have created tangible goals that are realistic and measurable, and you have the dedication to start this journey; so, what are you waiting for? Let’s start your health journey together!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Toronto, Ontario. She has taken a clinical interest in women’s health, fertility, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal health, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune-related concerns. Dr. Ishani has always believed that with commitment, education, and encouragement, the body can repair itself back to a state of health and wellness. She utilizes a combination of traditional medicine with evidence based medicine, to put all the puzzle pieces together and determine the root cause of your health concerns.
Ultimately, she is dedicated to assisting her patients in achieving their health goals, establishing a long-term plan for wellness, and helping them feel like their best selves!
Visit Dr. Ishani's Website
July 18, 2024
Our bodies have the extraordinary power to let us sense when danger is present, and oftentimes they do so without us having to think about it. We become acutely aware when dis-ease sets in and hampers our normal functioning. As a nurse working in the hospital setting the changes experienced by people are often managed by medication.
Have you ever experienced a sense within your body that doesn’t fit into the usual five categories? It is fascinating to note that our body has over twenty senses internally and externally. These incredible sensory functions manage to keep us safe and connected to the world around us. Without going into the scientific depths of how our sensory receptors function, exploring with a curious mind can help us tap into the wonder they hold.
We have all experienced pain in our lives whether it be at skin level, deep into the muscles, organs, or emotionally. Each one of these has special properties that can stop us in our tracks when triggered. When the pain response is activated, we have a choice of what we do with it. As a nurse, I ascribe to the definition of pain as “pain is what the experiencing person says it is, occurring when they say it does.” Pain provocation, quality, radiation, severity, and timing are all explored.
The other sense that we recognize as important is our temperature. Our body identifies heat and cold and has built in processes to allow heat to escape or trap it in. This is another protective process.
We also have mechanical receptors that sense our body position, balance, and muscle stretch. Such complexities that we do not have to think through. We do not have to think about the way our joint is positioned in space. There is structure and organized function aligned within our body.
We could also explore the internal receptors such as blood pressure, blood oxygen content, bladder stretch, having a full stomach, and lung inflation. All senses that we are fortunate we do not need to think about, recognizing how marvelous our body really is.
So, what happens when dis-ease sets in or medications interfere with the natural function of these senses? We become misaligned with our body and our internal senses can become dulled or impaired. It takes practice to stay in touch with these senses beyond the five. Taking time to activate your senses and observe them through meditation can help you live in harmony with your senses.
Christie is a dynamic wellness practitioner. As the founder of Wellness Haven and Health Christie offers a circular approach to wellness with offerings that honour the seven principles of wellness: emotional, environmental, mental, occupational, physical, relational, and spiritual. Christie is a life skills coach, happiness coach, a breath work facilitator, as well as a medical aesthetician. Christie is joined by her daughter, Abigail, who offers home organization and a decluttering service. At Wellness Haven and Health we encourage and support others in their wellness journey.
Learn more about Christie and her business:
June 27, 2024
Did you know that tracking your fertile window is crucial in increasing your chances to get pregnant? Your fertile window is the time period of your menstrual cycle that has the greatest chance of conception. This time period is known as 5 days before ovulation, as well as the day of ovulation. Understanding your ovulation not only gives you insight into your fertile window, but also helps you gain a deeper understanding of your reproductive health. You can track your
ovulation using a variety of methods, such as OPK kits, cervical mucus, and BBT monitoring.
1. Ovulation Predictor Kits (also known as OPK kits) detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (also known as LH). LH is secreted from the pituitary gland just before ovulation, and creates this surge about 24 hours before ovulation occurs. It is best to use OPK kits starting on Day 11 of your menstrual cycle until you get a positive and then a negative test. Generally, you should get a positive OPK test result the day before you ovulate. When taking this into account, the best time to have intercourse is the day you get a positive OPK result and the day after.
2. Cervical mucus is a gel-like fluid that gets released from the cervix. Due to the increase
in estrogen, this triggers the cervix to produce a fertile mucus. This ideal cervical mucus at ovulation should appear as a clear, egg-white, slippery, or stretchy mucus. It can appear between Day 10-15 of the menstrual cycle. When it does appear, it indicates that ovulation has occurred. It is best to track cervical mucus over the month consistently, to help you indicate when ovulation occurs. When taking this into account, the best time to have intercourse is on the day you notice this egg-white stretchy cervical discharge.
3. Basal Body Temperature (also known as BBT) involves measuring your resting body temperature. Progesterone is our reproductive hormone that increases in the second half of our menstrual cycle (our luteal phase), resulting from ovulation. When ovulation occurs, the corpus luteum produces progesterone and this increases our body temperature. Just before you notice the increase in your body temperature, you will note a small dip in body temperature. This brief body temperature decrease represents ovulation. When utilizing BBT tracking to confirm ovulation, you are looking for increases in your body temperature; this can be a 0.5 degree difference. Ideal timing to measure
your body temperature is in the morning, upon waking up and before getting out of bed. It is important to measure at a consistent time every day to yield accurate findings. It is ideal to use a thermometer that has 2 decimal points to help you note small changes to your body temperature. When taking this into account, this method doesn’t tell you when to have intercourse, but it will confirm that ovulation has occurred. The best time to have intercourse would be the day before you notice your body temperature rising.
Another tracking method is phone apps, such as Flo Health, Ovia, and Glow Fertility Tracker. Inputting information on these apps for at least 3 months, can provide insight on your cycle length and ovulation window. However, these apps may not be 100% accurate, and should not be used solely to predict ovulation. It is best to combine all the information gathered on multiple tracking methods to provide you an accurate picture on your fertile window.
Tracking your ovulation provides you information on optimal timing for intercourse, information on your overall reproductive health, helps you assess for any hormonal imbalances, and gives you a clearer picture of your fertile window. When optimizing your fertility, knowledge is power!
Let’s share this knowledge to support your fertility and overall reproductive health.
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website drishanipatelnd.com, by email at ishanipatelnd@gmail.com, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
June 13, 2024
Breathwork is a powerful practice that when integrated, can transform your life. When I was first learning about Breathwork there were a few guiding principles that led to my internal awakening and continues to guide my practice and my life.
Some of the principles sound easy in theory but allowing yourself to fully surrender and trust yourself in the process can be difficult but is essential. In Breathwork the concept of surrender does not signify defeat or weakness, rather an opportunity for personal insight. When you surrender to the process, you allow new experiences and opportunities to present themselves. Our thinking mind can act like a vessel, defaulting to stories or scenarios that reinforce limiting beliefs. With Breathwork we step away from this thinking mind and remove the distractions that impact our ability to live in the moment.
The next principle is what you resist persists and the way past is through. In a Breathwork session life material arises when you are subconsciously ready and equipped to face it. In this safe container, you have the opportunity to explore, heal, and resolve items that may be holding you back from wellness.
Other Breathwork jargon you might hear is, everything is grist for the mill. So what does this mean? Basically, it’s acceptance that what will be will be and whatever happens, happens. Whether there are glitches in the music or you are interrupted by family, or distractions in the room. Your frustration, anger, joy, and laughter: they are all a part of the Breathwork session. Breathe into the emotion, breathe into any movement you experience, breathe to deepen and maximize the experience. It is all energy ready to be released.
After a Breathwork session, it is important to take time to reintegrate into regular daily activity. Here are some of the transitional activities to help integrate:
There is no limit to what you can do to integrate, do what feels right for you. As Breathwork becomes one of your self care activities, you will notice how impactful it can be in your everyday life.
Christie enjoyed a long career in nursing and is now pursuing her passion in self development. Wellness Haven and Health offers Life Skills Coaching, Happiness Coaching, and Neurodynamic Breathwork. Encouraging self empowerment for all clients with a focus on the seven principles of wellness.
May 16, 2024
We come into the world with a big breath often followed by a cry and we come to the end of life when our breath ceases. This is an automatic function that does not require us to think about it for it to happen but it is something that we can control.
When we are in pain we hold our breath, when we are anxious or excited our breathing becomes rapid. When we are at peace we have slow even paced breath. There is no disputing that breathing is essential to life and how we take care of our breath is important. The connection with our mental, emotional, and physical body is vital. There are many ways to utilize our breath to bring stability to this connection and Neurodynamic breathwork as a practice certainly can help.
Neurodynamic breathwork as a practice can:
Breathwork, in combination with other practices, helps you explore life in new dynamic ways. As integration takes place you will discover deeper aspects of life you never knew existed. Next month we will explore key principles of Breathwork and integration.
Christie enjoyed a long career in nursing and is now pursuing her passion in self development. Wellness Haven and Health offers Life Skills Coaching, Happiness Coaching, and Neurodynamic Breathwork. Encouraging self empowerment for all clients with a focus on the seven principles of wellness.
February 29, 2024
Hello dear HHW Global community!
As we greet the rejuvenating season of spring, I find myself reflecting on growth - not just the blossoming around us, but our personal journeys of expansion and transformation. Let's explore this together, through the lens of my own story and the wisdom of Ayurvedic elements.
Consider a thriving plant. When it outgrows its pot, we don't hesitate to transplant it into a larger one, giving it room to flourish. This simple act of changing containers is a powerful metaphor for personal and professional growth. Just like the plant, we too need space to expand, to reach our full potential.
When I first embarked on my solo journey as a Reiki master teacher, the world of business was uncharted territory for me. I felt like a seedling in a small pot, yearning for space. Joining the HHW community was my way of stepping into a bigger container. This leap not only nurtured my growth as a Reiki practitioner but also as a solopreneur. It was a transformation that resonated deeply with the essence of Reiki - flowing with life's energy and embracing change.
Ayurveda, often referred to as the sister science of Yoga, is an ancient holistic healing system from India. It emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit through the understanding of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. These elements represent different aspects of our existence and align with specific chakras, reminding us that growth is multidimensional. For instance, 'Earth' grounds us in stability, 'Water' nurtures our adaptability and emotional well-being, 'Fire' fuels our ambitions and transformative energy, 'Air' symbolizes movement and change, and 'Ether' connects us to the expansive, spiritual aspects of the universe.
This spring marks a special time in our collective journey - an opportunity to embrace the spirit of renewal and growth, aligning ourselves with the natural rhythm of the universe. As part of our Spring Awakening series, we will embark on a profound exploration of these Ayurvedic elements, each linked to specific chakras and meditations. This is more than just a learning experience; it's a transformative journey, allowing us to find our larger pot, where our roots can delve deeper and our branches can stretch higher. For more details about the series and how to be a part of this elemental harmony, please click here. Join us every Wednesday at 7:55 pm, from April 3rd to June 19th, as we embrace the renewing energies of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether, fostering holistic growth and balance.
As we each navigate our path towards a larger container for growth, let's draw inspiration from the Ayurvedic elements. These ancient elements guide us in fully embracing our potential, reminding us that growth is a harmonious blend of understanding and aligning with the natural forces within and around us. In our 'Spring Awakening' series, we'll explore this synergy between the timeless teachings of Ayurveda and the enduring wisdom of Reiki. Together, these practices offer a holistic path to growth, balance, and well-being. Join me in this journey as we transcend our boundaries and flourish in this season of renewal and awakening. Here's to growing together in harmony and wisdom!
Nasreen, a Reiki Master Teacher and founder of Japan Reiki Studio, is also the Canada chapter head of the Japan Reiki Association. She introduces women to self-care and energy work through her Wellness Reiki Circle, a first step in their transformative journey. With a philosophy of 'me first, then everyone else,' Nasreen emphasizes self-healing as essential for empowerment. A former skeptic turned passionate practitioner, she dedicates her life to teaching, healing, and life coaching, aiming to elevate vibrations and spread resilience and positivity.
July 11, 2021
"Ding Ding!"
There it is. That reminder you set in your phone to workout! It's time!
But wait - you're still in bed, or in the thick of work at your computer. Your runners are under a pile of other shoes, and you're dreading that same YouTube workout you've already done a few times.
You hear that voice. The one that whispers: "skip today", and you respond: "I should. I've gotta get through all of these emails and I just don't have the time. Who was I kidding setting that alarm?"
Then you press delete on the notification...you've decided you're just not the workout kind of person - and then the whole guilt - action - inaction - guilt - action - inaction cycle starts again.
𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝘆𝗰𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲, 𝟮𝟱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀. 𝗔𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲?
The thing is, I really wanted to be a person who loved fitness, and the biggest things that made that happen for me, had nothing to do with setting alarms.
Here are three things that helped me get to that place and I know they'll help you too.
𝟭. 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗪𝗛𝗬 - Are you working out to have a six pack, lose the baby weight and have a "bikini body"? Or are you working out to feel strong, live healthy and be in a good mental state?
The first few reasons are based on your perception on what others think of you. The others are about what YOU think of you. It's the latter that will keep you inspired to keep moving.
𝟮. 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁 - Time and Money. Yes. If you looked at the hours and coin you dropped on something that IS successful in your life, I bet it wouldn't be a "when I have the time and/or money" situation.
As tempting as it is - wellness is not a thing you want to cheap out on. At the beginning of my journey - I joined a boutique fitness studio to get me on the right track. It was the most I had ever spent on my fitness, but it kept me accountable.
I knew that the regular membership type deal that I had done so many times before, wasn't enough to keep me in the zone. I needed more.
𝟯. 𝗔𝗱𝗼𝗽𝘁 𝗮 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲 - Shift your mindset away from temporary fixes and toward lifestyle changes. Repeat after me: "I am a person that loves fitness, wellness and nutrition."
One small choice and habit at a time will get you closer to the lifestyle, state of mind and the wellness you envision.
When I coach people through my wellness program, we look at all sides. Nutrition, mindset and fitness. It's important to know that it's not just action that creates change. It's action fueled by emotion, feeling and passion. What is the life you want to be living? Let's focus on that.
Connect with me here if you'd like to explore this for yourself.
In Happiness & Health,
Natalie Colalillo
Founder & CEO Happy Healthy Women
Instagram: @happy_healthy_nat
October 19, 2020
I just celebrated my 4th full year as a vegan - and I've been reflecting on all the amazing change that has taken place as a result. While the changes have affected every area of my life, I thought I would share 7 HUGE differences the change has made in my body alone. Can you relate to any of these?
1. Inflammation dropped away and the shape of my body totally changed. This was a change I started to notice right away. It was as though my body was saying "Thanks for giving me more of what I need and less of what I don't. I can be ME!"
2. My hair grew back. For a long time, I carried an embarrassing bald spot on the top of my head. My hair was thinning and I knew it was hormonal, but nothing I tried worked...until I stopped eating meat and dairy and started filling up my plate with more nutrients. My hair is thicker now than it's ever been.
3. Menstrual Cramps disappeared! I'm 100% serious.
4. My skin cleared up. Face and body. Healthier, softer, clearer skin.
5. My digestion improved. I used to not feel well a LOT. Tummy trouble was a normal occurrence and I just thought ...."meh, it happens to all of us". Truth is - meat and dairy are REALLY hard on our digestion and our body will often let us know it's not happy.
6. I sleep like a baby and am energized like a bunny! I can accomplish a LOT in a day, and thank goodness because - big goals...but my sleep is soooo much better too.
7. Mental clarity. Say goodbye to brain fog and hello to clear, intuitive, inspired action. Eating closer to the earth means you get your head out of the clouds and become so very grounded.
Like all things, these changes didn't happen overnight - but I truthfully wasn't expecting them to happen at all. I got so used to the way I was feeling, I didn't know any different...and I'm so so glad I listened to the nudge.
Where are you on your health journey? Ever thought about adopting a more plant based life? Maybe you've been vegan for years too?
In our Wellpreneur 30 program, we dive into plant-based nutrition, and business success for 30, amazing days. When you feel great, your business does too. Join our next group here!
Natalie Colalillo
Natalie Colalillo is the founder and CEO of Happy Healthy Women, a global collective of women entrepreneurs who see happiness, health and success as one full circle. Her heart's calling lies in bringing amazing women together and empowering them to step into their greatness. With over 20 years of experience in both wellness and business, Natalie is also a Plant-based Lifestyle & Business Coach specializing in empowering Solopreneurs to establish and succeed in their dream business. Starting Happy Healthy Women and coaching others to success has been the most fulfilling of her projects, as she feels fortunate to work with such incredible women who are living their dreams and changing lives.
September 08, 2020
Diets tend to promise losing a large amount of weight in a short time by removing a mass number of calories/foods from our diet.
Lifestyle changes are about adding in new habits that are sustainable and bring joy into your life. To me a ‘diet’ is about having an end game in sight – as in you can stop at some point whereas a lifestyle is about making it a habit for life! Small steps, small habit changes and consistency is the key. This is different for everyone, so we all must figure out what works best for us and slowly change up our habits. Meal planning and prep are my life savers!
If you're about to start a program of some sort and you're asking yourself:
Can I sustain this?
Keep going at such low calories, depriving myself, and shelling out so much cash?
What do I think will happen when I stop following it?
Am I happy during the process?
Do I still love food?
Chances are you've started a diet, and maybe it's time to start a change in lifestyle. I have found meal planning to be one thing that helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle and I love to share how to do it with others as well.
How to get started with meal planning: Start with one step at a time.
Don’t get me wrong I do fall back into my old habits too. It usually has to do with stress which leads me down the spiral of eating junk and then causing more stress on my body. My strategy is to have an accountably buddy who checks in on me and a food journal has done wonders. The signal for me is getting a migraine, once I feel one coming, I know I need to stop and reset myself again!
I have learned a lot about myself during this journey with food and continue to do so every day! Happy to share more with you!
Kandice-Lee Doucette
Meal Prep Whiz
Independent Epicure Executive Consultant
Happy Healthy Women Trailblazer
Follow me on Facebook & Instagram - Kandiceleefiredup
Check me out on YouTube