May 23, 2024
Bloating. This is a symptom that you probably have experienced at least once in your life and are familiar with. The discomfort when we experience bloating is real, and this can affect our ability to take part in social gatherings or even go to work. The question that comes up is, how do we beat the bloat? Remember that bloating is just a symptom, and is usually a small part of a bigger issue. So if we want to beat the bloat, we have to determine where the bloating is coming from.
Now what causes bloating?
Now what can you do about it?
As a gut-focused naturopathic doctor, when I am addressing bloating I initially complete a thorough assessment, order relevant laboratory blood work, and collaboratively work with my patient to create a personalized treatment plan specific to their root cause of bloating. Addressing bloating is not a one size fits all approach. So if you experience bloating let’s create a sustainable plan to beat your bloating for good!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their lives, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website, by email at, or by reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
May 16, 2024
We come into the world with a big breath often followed by a cry and we come to the end of life when our breath ceases. This is an automatic function that does not require us to think about it for it to happen but it is something that we can control.
When we are in pain we hold our breath, when we are anxious or excited our breathing becomes rapid. When we are at peace we have slow even paced breath. There is no disputing that breathing is essential to life and how we take care of our breath is important. The connection with our mental, emotional, and physical body is vital. There are many ways to utilize our breath to bring stability to this connection and Neurodynamic breathwork as a practice certainly can help.
Neurodynamic breathwork as a practice can:
Breathwork, in combination with other practices, helps you explore life in new dynamic ways. As integration takes place you will discover deeper aspects of life you never knew existed. Next month we will explore key principles of Breathwork and integration.
Christie enjoyed a long career in nursing and is now pursuing her passion in self development. Wellness Haven and Health offers Life Skills Coaching, Happiness Coaching, and Neurodynamic Breathwork. Encouraging self empowerment for all clients with a focus on the seven principles of wellness.
April 18, 2024
Our lives are busy, we have so many important roles at home and in our workplace that at times we can become imbalanced. These imbalances can be a result of:
1: Family needs
2: Work pressures and demands
3: Challenges with time management
4: Social life events
This list could go on and certainly could be more individualized. If we take inventory of our life, we can come to know where those imbalances are and find solutions to create harmony.
There are many ways that we can aim to create balance in our life and Breathwork is a powerful way to achieve it. All of us have the power within to become our own Inner healer. Making this a regular practice by tapping into your inner self and exploring can bring balance, clarity, and calm into your everyday life. The more we work on ourselves the more authentic our empowerment is.
There are stories we tell ourselves (some aren’t even our own), self fulfilled prophecies, habits/self limiting beliefs, the surface living, this is where we become reactors to life rather than the creators of our life. Where did our truths come from? We can be so bound to our truth that there is no room for any other information to be received. Our interpretation of reality is just that! Our interpretation. We recreate scenarios over and over again until we learn the lesson. We could spend our entire earthly existence with a changeup of characters but rehashing the same experience. When we live in our head too much, we waste a lot of time and simple tasks can become more challenging.
When we are living in the present- in the now, we are proactively creating the life we choose to live. Choosing the life you want to live is possible when we create space for it. The depth that can be achieved by committing to doing our inner work is incredibly powerful. Life truly becomes more balanced when we take time for ourselves to ground, awaken, and become clear on what matters the most.
The Power Within written by Tav Sparks discusses a concept called Yoga of the cross or Awareness Positioning System. This concept describes the horizontal line as our life material. The vertical line demonstrates what is grounding us at the bottom but also includes our belief systems, and the top of it connects us to our source, our universal intelligence. Keeping a natural, fluid flow where we experience life material and move it up and through the vertical enables us to stay present and in the moment. Regularly practicing Breathwork can bring the balance we are often seeking in life.
Christie enjoyed a long career in nursing and is now pursuing her passion in self development. Wellness Haven and Health offers Life Skills Coaching, Happiness Coaching, and Neurodynamic Breathwork. Encouraging self empowerment for all clients with a focus on the seven principles of wellness.
April 16, 2024
Have you been experiencing digestive symptoms that are affecting your quality of life? A naturopathic doctor can help support your gut health using the 4 R’s. The 4 R’s are the key steps that can optimize your gut health; Remove, Replace, Re-inoculate, and Repair.
The 4 R’s are a protocol to help promote digestive healing and improve digestive health. If you want to consider trying this protocol, initially speak with your health care practionner to create the most appropriate plan for you.
Our gut health plays a huge role in our overall health, so let’s go show our guts some love!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website, by email at, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
April 09, 2024
Confidence has a funny way of turning into overconfidence, and nowhere was this more evident to me than the day I walked into the local Police College gym. As a seasoned marathon runner and a new triathlon enthusiast, I was no stranger to physical challenges. My legs had pounded more miles of pavement than I could count, and my lungs had weathered the burning winds of exhaustive cross-training. But as I sized up my competition that day, among the 40 women there, many of them younger than my 40+ years, I was about to get a lesson in humility — and eventually, in grit and resilience.
The Wake-Up Call:
The physical test I faced was a far cry from the long, steady burn of marathon running or the varied paces of a triathlon. I had scoffed at the idea of it being challenging, equating it to a mere half marathon — a distance I could usually cover with my eyes closed. That complacency was my undoing. The test demanded raw, explosive power: scaling walls, sprinting stairs, heaving weights, and dragging a 150-pound dummy. It was a gruelling gauntlet that left me spent, far behind the necessary completion time. My confidence crumbled. The sprint that followed was a testament to my drained reserves — I simply couldn't hit the required speed and time. I left the gym that day with a bruised ego, and my dream of becoming a police officer seemingly dashed to pieces.
Grit Rises from the Ashes:
But here's the thing about hitting rock bottom — the only way left to go is up. The next day, as the sun of defeat set and the dawn of determination rose, my true grit sparked to life. This was more than just physical strength; it was about mental toughness, the kind you don't know you have until quitting looks like the only option. I laid out a battle plan with a simple, unyielding objective: nail the physical test.
Every morning found myself at the high school track before the first rays of light crested the horizon. I sprinted to the soundtrack of shuttle run beeps, each step a defiant stomp against my previous failure. In the privacy of my office, with the door closed, I marked every hour with push-ups, starting from scratch and climbing in reps. My journey wasn't just about physical training; it was a mental transformation — from the inside out.
Confidence Rebuilt:
With each push-up, sprint, and bead of sweat, my confidence — true, hard-earned — began to rebuild. It wasn't the false assurance of past achievements but a new, solid belief in my current capabilities. It was confidence with a foundation of resilience, knowing that if I could push through this, adapt, and overcome, I could face any challenge.
A month later, the gym walls that once witnessed my defeat now echoed with the sound of my triumph. Not only did I complete the test, I crushed it. It was a victory not just for my physical abilities but for the indomitable human spirit that refuses to be defined by a single setback.
Grit and resilience aren't just about enduring; they're about redefining the boundaries of your potential. And confidence? It's not a trophy you're awarded; it's a medal you forge in the fire of your own will. That day, I didn't just pass a test — I redefined what I was capable of, and I've carried that lesson with me ever since.
To anyone standing before their wall, feeling spent and defeated: let this story be your starting gun. The race isn't over. It's just beginning.
There was a time when the world thought the 4-minute mile was impossible. Now go climb that wall!
Embrace boldness. Embody confidence.
Karen Vaile is a Confidence & Life Coach and Founder of Karen’s Coaching Korner.
She helps businesswomen create the confidence they need to take the bold action necessary to achieve all their personal and professional goals.
Karen's mission is centred on transforming uncertainty, self-doubt and apprehension into assertiveness and decisive ambition. Through her 1:1 coaching program “Create Your Confidence” she tailors her approach to each client's unique needs helping each one to reach her fullest potential, attain her goals, embrace boldness and embody confidence and grace in every aspect of life. Karen can be reached via DM.
Karen is happy to be a Happy Healthy Women Toronto, ON Trailblazer.
March 27, 2024
As entrepreneurs we often feel like we must be doing all the things, and always be 'on'. Which often can lead to burnout...
The importance of slowing down has been the biggest lesson I have learned over my past few years of entrepreneurship. It was also the main topic of my mastermind last week.
The truth is if we are always running, rushing, and filling our time with tasks, we will burn out. Especially if we are filling our calendars with tasks that don't energize us. We have to make space in our days to slow down.
My best ideas come from the slower moments. My energy comes from the slower moments. I attract more when I slow down!
Learning to prioritize the slower moments is one of the things I would attribute my success to. In fact, last year I earned far more money and worked far less than previously years. I took more time to be intentional, to slow down, to spend more time with my kids and continued to take inspired action. I moved away from the hustle and the grind and found more joy in my days and in my work.
This is what is meant by working smarter and not harder. And it works! Listening to what you need, knowing that there are seasons, and learning how you need to work through each of your seasons - that is what is going to help you the most!
My old paradigm told me that it was all hard work that would move me towards my goal - but that is just not true. Hard work is not the answer.
So, schedule more time for slowing down. Make sure you do something every day to fill your own cup. You will be surprised at how much more you can accomplish!
March 22, 2024
We get to make the decision of how we are going to face our life, is it going to be through well-being or suffering. The choice between light or heavy. What we choose to carry out in the world and spread around. Choose joy. There are simple ways to connect to joy and even in the darkest of times there is a sliver of joy somewhere.
How to live a joy FULL life:
There are times of difficulty in life but choosing what we put our focus on can change our perspective and outlook. Be still, do the work. These were words spoken to me a long time ago from a spiritual healer and they impacted my life profoundly. We can get so caught up in living our life and it unfolds in ways that we did not intend related to the needs of our family or whatever rents space in our head. We can forget to be still and tap into the joy we have in our heart space. Remember that the sun rising is a gift and the day offers you tremendous opportunity.
Christie enjoyed a long career in nursing and is now pursuing her passion in self development. Wellness Haven and Health offers Life Skills Coaching, Happiness Coaching, and Neurodynamic Breathwork. Encouraging self empowerment for all clients with a focus on the seven principles of wellness.
March 07, 2024
You have probably heard of flax seeds, but do you know all of its benefits? First let’s look at what they are made of. Flax seeds are rich in soluble fibre, lignans (which are a phytoestrogen that mimics estrogen), protein, and alpha lipoic acid (which is a type of omega 3 fatty acid). Let’s break these down a bit more;
It is best to prepare flax seeds as a grounded powder. I often recommend to grind flax seeds at home (you may grind enough for the whole week if that is easiest), and keep it in the fridge to prevent them from going bad. If you buy flax seeds pregrounded, ensure you look at the expiry date and don’t buy sources that have been on the shelves for multiple days.
If you don’t know where to start to add ground flax seeds into your diet, let me give you some tips;
Let’s show some love to flax seeds!
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website, by email at, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
March 07, 2024
There are many approaches used in detoxification, but let me bust a myth for you. Detox does not have to be hard. You don’t have to take a bunch of supplements, be on a juice cleanse, or do cold plunges.
How do you know if you need to detox? You may be experiencing;
It can be easy to do with these 5 steps;
Dr. Ishani Patel is a board certified Naturopathic Doctor who has a clinical focus in women’s health, hormones, digestive health, and autoimmunity. She is dedicated to helping her patients determine the root cause of their health concerns, help them find balance in their life, prevent disease or a worsening of their health conditions, and help them live their optimal state of health.
You can connect with Dr. Patel through her website, by email at, or reaching out to her on Instagram @drishanipatel.nd.
March 04, 2024
If you want to know more about cultivating a writing habit or squashing writer’s block, reach out. Click here for an expanded Habit Creation Program to create a writing routine. There is also the Monday Writing/Co-working Space. Click here for a short video where I talk about bending prompts to your will and subject matter.
Rusti L Lehay, a global editor and book and writing coach, created over 40 articles guiding writers to authordom. Witnessing writers find and speak in their own voice to serve the real boss, the audience, not the editor, is one of Rusti’s greatest joys. She offers bi-monthly online writing STAY-Treats and monthly lounges and teaches weekly creative writing classes. Her primary mission is to inspire, provide value and make writing fun and easy.
February 29, 2024
It was the beginning of March 2023. I was in Las Vegas for a mastermind—a powerful mastermind that would change my life. I was elevating, stepping into a newer version of myself... and then I had a few too many drinks, and old ways of thinking crept back in.
The next day, I wasn’t hungover. I felt shame—an awful feeling.
It wasn’t as though I had a drinking problem; it had been quite a while since the last time I lost control. But there was one thing in common: shame that I felt the next day. Embarrassment.
I dug into this emotion. Why was this coming up? I hadn’t done anything wrong. I hadn’t done anything bad. I just indulged a little too much.
The shame came from parts of my past that I thought I had forgiven myself for. Turns out, I hadn’t. The thoughts in our subconscious minds have a way of presenting themselves.
The shame also came from my perception of who I was being in those moments versus the woman that I was trying to embody—the old me versus the new me. The resistance.
This is a part of the story that I haven’t openly shared before. But as I am coming up on my one-year anniversary of deciding to be a woman who doesn’t drink alcohol, I think it is important to share.
March 11, 2023, was the last time alcohol passed my lips. And it was the easiest decision of my life.
I want to flash back to about 6 months before I made this decision because I think this is important too—no matter what decision you may be avoiding.
I had the idea that the person I wanted to become didn’t drink. And she definitely didn’t drink more than one glass of wine with a meal. That was the image I had in my mind of myself with my goal achieved. This was personal to me because of who I wanted to be and what I needed to let go of from my past. I was struggling to step in to her. One glass sometimes would turn into two. There were a few times where I did lose control.
But I didn’t make the decision to stop completely because of the stories I held onto.
That story about ‘it's only one glass of wine.’ That story about ‘will people understand.’ That story about ‘if I give up alcohol, they will think I had a drinking problem.’ That story about ‘what will I do at parties.’
Those stories were all BS. Completely.
Once you make a decision that is aligned with the person who you desire to be, aka your higher self, everything works out.
No one questioned my decision. People were incredibly supportive. I inspired other people to make the same decision, which in turn has changed their lives for the better. I have been attracting more and more people who also have made the decision not to drink into my life.
The morale of the story - no matter what decision you face, if it is going to align with your higher self, the person you want to be, and help you step into your self-image and become the person who is achieving your goals, you owe it to yourself to eliminate the BS stories that you are creating. This is your life. These are your goals. The truth is, if you think people will judge you, that is on them, not on you. And what will likely happen is if you make a committed decision and stick to it, you will find that you are so incredibly supported.
If there are decisions that you are struggling with, or you aren’t sure of the image you want to step into of your next level self, reach out. I would be happy to hop on a complimentary discovery call and see if I can help you with some clarity and direction.
To your limitless potential and stepping into who you desire to be,
Kayleigh Kennedy is the Founder and Mentor of Limitless Coaching. Contact Kayleigh at or follow her on Instagram @thekayleighkennedy
February 29, 2024
Hello dear HHW Global community!
As we greet the rejuvenating season of spring, I find myself reflecting on growth - not just the blossoming around us, but our personal journeys of expansion and transformation. Let's explore this together, through the lens of my own story and the wisdom of Ayurvedic elements.
Consider a thriving plant. When it outgrows its pot, we don't hesitate to transplant it into a larger one, giving it room to flourish. This simple act of changing containers is a powerful metaphor for personal and professional growth. Just like the plant, we too need space to expand, to reach our full potential.
When I first embarked on my solo journey as a Reiki master teacher, the world of business was uncharted territory for me. I felt like a seedling in a small pot, yearning for space. Joining the HHW community was my way of stepping into a bigger container. This leap not only nurtured my growth as a Reiki practitioner but also as a solopreneur. It was a transformation that resonated deeply with the essence of Reiki - flowing with life's energy and embracing change.
Ayurveda, often referred to as the sister science of Yoga, is an ancient holistic healing system from India. It emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit through the understanding of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. These elements represent different aspects of our existence and align with specific chakras, reminding us that growth is multidimensional. For instance, 'Earth' grounds us in stability, 'Water' nurtures our adaptability and emotional well-being, 'Fire' fuels our ambitions and transformative energy, 'Air' symbolizes movement and change, and 'Ether' connects us to the expansive, spiritual aspects of the universe.
This spring marks a special time in our collective journey - an opportunity to embrace the spirit of renewal and growth, aligning ourselves with the natural rhythm of the universe. As part of our Spring Awakening series, we will embark on a profound exploration of these Ayurvedic elements, each linked to specific chakras and meditations. This is more than just a learning experience; it's a transformative journey, allowing us to find our larger pot, where our roots can delve deeper and our branches can stretch higher. For more details about the series and how to be a part of this elemental harmony, please click here. Join us every Wednesday at 7:55 pm, from April 3rd to June 19th, as we embrace the renewing energies of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether, fostering holistic growth and balance.
As we each navigate our path towards a larger container for growth, let's draw inspiration from the Ayurvedic elements. These ancient elements guide us in fully embracing our potential, reminding us that growth is a harmonious blend of understanding and aligning with the natural forces within and around us. In our 'Spring Awakening' series, we'll explore this synergy between the timeless teachings of Ayurveda and the enduring wisdom of Reiki. Together, these practices offer a holistic path to growth, balance, and well-being. Join me in this journey as we transcend our boundaries and flourish in this season of renewal and awakening. Here's to growing together in harmony and wisdom!
Nasreen, a Reiki Master Teacher and founder of Japan Reiki Studio, is also the Canada chapter head of the Japan Reiki Association. She introduces women to self-care and energy work through her Wellness Reiki Circle, a first step in their transformative journey. With a philosophy of 'me first, then everyone else,' Nasreen emphasizes self-healing as essential for empowerment. A former skeptic turned passionate practitioner, she dedicates her life to teaching, healing, and life coaching, aiming to elevate vibrations and spread resilience and positivity.